Student Social, but v i r t u a l 😮
/Symsys Society held a social on Sunday, November 1 from 8-9pm. Twelve students joined us--from prospective Symsys majors to CS seniors! We offered two breakout room activities: Among Us and Music+Chill. We began with group introductions, sharing what drew us to Symsys and which breakout room we’d like to be in.
In the music breakout room, we put on some music and had a general atmosphere conducive to sharing--be it sharing our favorite songs, talking about our lives, or giving Stanford advice to each other. Check out our collaborative playlist here!
In the Among Us room, we had back-to-back games where we explored all three of the environments. The third is the most confusing… All but one round was won by the crewmates, while only one was won by the imposter killing all the crewmates.
Thanks to all those who came out last Sunday--until next time! Be sure to look out for our future socials! :)
Making progress on a Spotify playlist in the music breakout room!